The Holy Grail Song
ALL Holy grail holy grail We know that we’re searching for this But we just don’t know quite what it is GALAHAD It might be a vessel for cooking But we don’t know for what we are looking KAY It might be a type of a hat Or a very rare species of bat ALL Holy Grail Holy Grail It could be the size of a whale Holy Grail, Holy Grail Does it travel by road or by rail LANCELOT Is its surface all hairy or smooth Does it make you feel sad or amused KAY Or perhaps it’s an item to wear Does it grow in the ground or the air ALL Holy Grail, holy grail Is it shaped like a star or a pail Holy Grail, Holy Grail We know we must search without fail PERCEVAL Mysterious forces surround it But how will we know when we’ve found it ALL Holy Grail Holy Grail KAY Does it taste like ice cream or like kale Holy Grail Holy Grail GALAHAD Is it feminine or is it male Holy Grail Holy Grail LANCELOT Is it fast or it moves like a snail PERCEVAL Is it quiet or blowing a gale KAY Does it have great big horns or a tail ALL Is it covered in dots just like Braille Is it strong as on ox or so frail Is it wearing a suit or a veil Holy Grail