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 Extrait 6

Fagin wants Bill to kidnap Oliver from Lord Brownlow's, but Bill is too drunk and Nancy offers to go in his place :
NANCY: Allo, Dodger! Allo, Fagin! I've come to steal my man, Fagin. You can't have him.

BILL: I thought you was supposed to be whoring tonight?

NANCY: I'm sick of those greasy paws on me. I'm taking the night orff to be with my Bill.

FAGIN: I'm afraid, my dear, your Bill's busy tonight. He has an appointment in Pentonville.

DODGER: Bill and I are droppin' in on a Lord Brownlow. If you please.

NANCY: Oh not a burglary tonight, Bill. It's not safe - there's too much pale moonlight.

BILL: It's not a burglary, Nancy. It's a kidnapping. One Oliver Twist.

FAGIN: One of my boys, Nancy, he's been dragged away. Bill here means to rescue him. He's such a wonderful charitable man!

BILL: It's to save 'is filthy neck, and mine too. Come on Dodger. We better go now!

NANCY: Bill, listen to me, that old devil is going to be the death of you! (TO Fagin:) How can he work tonight? Don't let him go! Can't you see he's too drunk?

Bill: I'm not deaf!! This drink fires me!! What's it to you, anyway? Come on, Dodger!

(DODGER throws him a stick, he misses it and collapses drunk).

NANCY: Bill! Bill! Get up, get up, you drunkard! Fagin, for god's sake, look at the state of him!! He can't go anywhere like that!

FAGIN: Well, the Dodger will go with him...

DODGER: I'm not going out with him tonight...

FAGIN: You will!

DODGER: I won't!!

NANCY: Stop it, Fagin! He doesn't have to go. I'll go.


NANCY: Yes, me. I'll get your precious Oliver Twist for you - after all , Dodger, he's my little brother, ain't he!

Dodger: Who?

NANCY: Oliver Twist, my little brother who ran away from home: "Oliver, Oliver, come back to the bosom of your family..."

to whore: se prostituer
greasy paws: mains sales
If you please! : dans ce contexte, pour marquer l'écart social entre eux et Brownlow
To save your neck: sauver son cou (ici, littéralement)
the drink fires me: l'alcohol me donne des forces

Oliver Twist / Dumb Waiter / Romeo and Juliet