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 Extrait 2

Agnes has given birth to Oliver and dies in the precense of the Beadle and Mrs Corney

BEADLE: Sh - hush. Did the crone see or hear anything? Let us be philosophical, M'am, and keep this golden locket and let the secret of the child's birth die with his mother. We cannot go wasting time on paupers. Will this scrap of a child live? (Sounds of child's cries throughout this.)

CORNEY: He seems healthy enough.

BEADLE: Hah! Another burden on our charity. Born selfish! Well. I have the register and I shall name him. A boy you say?

CORNEY: He is.

BEADLE: I am strictly alphabetical in these matters. The last orphan was an S... so I called him Swubble. This thing is a therefore a T - (pondering the problem of a name the BEADLE notices the way he is twisting his pen in thought) - Twist I shall call him, Oliver Twist.

CORNEY: Oh, Mr Bumble, what a poet lies inside your mighty form.

crone : veille dame
scrap of a child : un rien du tout
burden : fardeau

Oliver Twist / Dumb Waiter / Romeo and Juliet