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 Extrait 1

AGNES kneels before her father, LORD BROWNLOW and admits to being pregnant

BROWNLOW: Throw her out, Mrs Grimwig!

AGNES: (Screams) No! No, I am your daughter!

BROWNLOW: You are no daughter of mine! See, see this portrait, this beautiful, pure and innocent girl upon this canvas, why that is my daughter!

AGNES: That IS me, father. I am your loving and dutiful daughter.

BROWNLOW You hussy! Look at your swollen stomach! Has my daughter a stomach swollen with shame? No. No. Has my daughter fornicated with a married man? No, no. Such a thing would be beyond the wildest fantasy of my pure and angelic daughter. She would not take the good and ancient name of Brownlow and drag it through the mud of scandal! Where is my Agnes?

AGNES: She's here, helpless before you.

BROWNLOW Get away from me! Take your fingers off me, my flesh creeps to think of your hands upon him that impregnated you with his bastard child!

AGNES: This is your grandchild, feel, feel, he kicks against my belly.

BROWNLOW : Away, away! Never lay your hands on me again. I retch to think of it. Out, out woman, demon out and never return to darken my door again!

AGNES: Lost, lost! (exit).


AGNES: Papa?

BROWNLOW: You gave me this, Agnes, it contains your picture. (he takes out a golden locket)


BROWNLOW: It's of no use to me now, young hussy, I would not recognise it! (Throws it to AGNES who takes it.).

AGNES: You are cruel, sir! Cruel! May you get what you deserve!!

hussy : traînée
swollen : enflé
to drag through the mud: traîner dans la boue
to retch: vomir, avoir des hauts le coeur
don't darken my door again: ne revenez plus jamais ici !

Oliver Twist / Dumb Waiter / Romeo and Juliet